Together we can stimulate solutions for a more sustainable way of life. Step by step.

What makes us more sustainable!?

Why is there a need for it?

We live in an era were we are over consuming and depleting our planet. It is time to be smarter about the way we produce and use. ‘Farm’ local, being aware of raw material usage, and decline the impact of transport. Closing the loop by taking into account the impact after a product is sold.

CBASSS aims to break our linear patterns and instead strive for cultivating a circular way of life. So in the future we add more than we take.

How are we doing it?

CBASSS has chosen a different approach towards sneaker production and usage.

As local as we believe is possible, in fair amounts. We are striving to:

  • Using the latest solutions for more sustainable materials and production
  • Limit sales and overall impact on our planet
  • Pre-order and sell direct and local
  • Close the loop after usage

What’s in it for me?

First of all you will stand for something by walking around more sustainable with an outspoken design. Furthermore, you can feel proud about the contribution you are making towards a brighter future. More importantly, you will help us grow by rocking your sneakers and spreading the word. Together we can really make a difference on making bigger steps moving forward. ‘Cause you can.

Our story

Once upon a time…

...there was a big Alpaca named BAS sneaking around on his cushioned hooves. Keeping the soil undamaged and our ecosystem fertile. Being on of the most eco-friendly animals on our planet, it became clear while exploring the world that we are consuming way too much. Depleting and damaging our planet and causing massive amounts of waste. He took a stand and decided to make a difference. Inspiring people to make a positive change so they could also C the way. A movement started and together they were ready to kick some ass CBASSS!

Solutions we believe in:


It all begins with material choices. Currently we believe that there are several material choices that are more sustainable compared to most of the conventional sneakers and apparel out there. We are using recycled materials which reduce the need for virgin resources and lowering overall environmental impact. Furthermore, we focus on natural materials like leather, rubber, organic cotton, wool, hemp and bamboo. In our designs we aim to limit the amount of different materials and use solutions that skip plastics, metals and glue as much as possible.


We focus on low volume and on-demand manufacturing. Implementing energy-efficient processes to minimize energy consumption and waste generation. Using as much renewable energy sources, like solar or wind, to power machines and facilities. Significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production process. We aim to establish production facilities closer to the target markets to minimize transportation-related emissions and support the local economy.

Waste reduction, repairs and recycling

We aim to minimize waste generation and increase recycling of materials like rubber, foam, and textiles. Both during manufacturing and consumption. By limiting our sales and stimulating recycling. We design our sneakers and apparel to be durable and long-lasting. In addition we support repairs. Reducing the frequency of replacements and decreasing the overall environmental impact associated with the production and disposal. Moreover, we pay attention to circularity solutions.

Collaboration & Communities

Support your locals. We strive for partnerships as local as we believe is possible. With local we refer to close to the target market. Moreover, we believe in you and to power of collaborating on the next best solutions out there. We are far from were we can be and we continuously work on improving. So please let us know if you believe there is a solution out there that we should implement, ‘cause we can.

Our approach and services.

Organic ordering.

At CBASSS you pre-order so we can limit production and drastically reduce waste levels of surplus stock ending up in landfills.

Digital & Direct.

We exclusively sell digital and directly to our consumers. This way we control the experience and limit our environmental impact.

Right time delivery.

Our organic ordering principle results in longer lead times and requires some patience young one. We’ll make sure it’s worth the wait.

Choose wisely & Close the loop.

We limit our sales and urge for conscious consumption. CBASSSadors are stimulated to close the loop and help us recycle.